News Review – 8 September 2017

Family planning programs can only be judged to be effective when young people around the world fully embrace them. Across Africa, youth SRHR engagement programs are working to educate, change perceptions, and give access to commodities and technology that will allow adolescents to make their own decisions.
Jeune S3 in Cameroon works “to ensure that young people (including the most marginalized and vulnerable populations – especially girls between the ages of 10 and 14) are able, motivated and have the opportunity to make informed choices.” DRC launched a national platform for engaging youth in family planning decision-making. The consequences are enormous: According to Life for African Mothers, in Liberia in 2015 the maternal mortality rate was the world’s worst at 1,072 per 100,000 births, much of it due to teen pregnancy. Pathfinder notes that 23 million adolescents need contraception but don’t have it and that the leading cause of death for girls 15-19 is complications in pregnancy and childbirth. An insight in the Population Reference Bureau’s World Data Report says young married women face barriers as well: “Challenges and barriers unique to younger women slow progress in several countries. Age-restrictive policies, social pressures, and provider bias limit knowledge about available options and access to appropriate methods, leading to higher rates of contraceptive failure and discontinuation after short periods.”
One way to get adolescents interested is to be able to tell, and hear, stories about personal experiences, which is embodied in a “FP INFOcus” video project initiated by a Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) in Nigeria. Youth Against Abortion stigma in Ghana has a similar project.
On FGM, a constant threat to adolescent well-being, one article looks at how some Kenyan girls need to “escape at dawn” to avoid the procedure, and another from Somalia features a girl whose mother “still thinks FGM was good for me.” In Tanzania, in the Geita district, girls’ “monthly nightmare” forces them out of class, though two other districts excel on menstruation hygiene in schools. One South African Op-Ed notes that girls can miss up to 50 days of class per year, and urges “bloody conversations”; at Wits University, the student newspaper says that to improve sexual health, “Let’s talk about vaginas.”
Improving youth SRHR requires sustained engagement, according to 120 Under 40 leader Burcu Bozkurt. “If our health care systems are failing youth on family planning, it’s probably because youth have been left out of the conversation for far too long.” One report notes that four million more young women will use the private sector for contraception by 2020.
Guttmacher released its latest fact sheet on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the United States. “Adolescents and young adults need access to comprehensive and non-stigmatizing information about sexual and reproductive health, support networks to have the pregnancies they want, and high-quality, affordable and confidential contraceptive services and abortion services to avoid the pregnancies they do not want.”
Ten years after the film “Juno” was released, a look back at what its portrayal of a teen pregnancy had on young women: “Juno gave millennial women the possibility of hope, strength and humility amid adversity, something that has since led to more honest portrayals of unexpected pregnancy in film and television…Fast forward to today and US laws on reproductive rights have taken a misogynistic turn.”
Reproductive health access and empowerment
Improved reproductive health has effects throughout a woman’s life, as noted in several recent studies: It accelerates economic empowerment, effects overall health, and has an impact on women who place high importance on career success.
The WHO looks at some African nations which are investing in family planning services to reduce fertility rates, “improve economic development and their population’s health,” including Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. A Nigerian think tank concludes that family planning produces “better families, people and nations.” The UNFPA gives an example in its story about a South Sudanese woman who was able to “decide for myself” and embrace family planning to pursue her teaching career.
In the background, more discussion of how waiting to have kids later in life can also be good for the planet.
So many barriers to access… Zambians on the whole have access to family planning, but the Daily Mail in Lusaka tells the story of a rural woman, representing many, who lacks “a voice to confront their husbands and convince them to allow them to take up family planning methods.” Egypt is undertaking a massive program and will deploy 12,000 family planning advocates to 18 rural provinces. But they will encounter cultural resistance: “Besides people in rural areas viewing large families as a source of economic strength, there is also resistance to birth control due to a belief that it is unlawful in Islam to aim to conceive a specific number of children.” In DRC, “violence and fear” can limit access in some provinces, and in Malawi, a sex worker blames a “lack of privacy.”
Dr. Willie Parker, board chair of Physicians for Reproductive Health, says opponents of abortion on moral grounds are relying on “patriarchal custom that has been placed inside of religion, but it is not rooted in any unequivocal theological understanding about reproduction or abortion.”
News Deeply portrayed 9 experts who are doing the hard work to advance family planning around the world.
Now that Kate Middleton has announced she is pregnant again, “Having Kids”, the family planning organization that sent an open letter urging the royal couple to reconsider having a third child, has now sent them a congratulatory message. All of these efforts are about individual choices and their consequences. But one British midwife, dealing with a September surge in births, is urging people to “stop having sex at Christmas.”
US funding
A surprising turn of events in the Senate, where the Appropriations Committee allocated $11 billion more to the State Department, including funding for international family planning, and an additional $2 billion for the NIH. Of course, that is but one step in the budget battle, and does not obviate the need to remain vigilant. The Administration policy still targets UNFPA, meaning “people living in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous situations face an uncertain future.” People for the American Way warns that one Trump judicial nominee “poses a grave threat to reproductive rights.” The fight to defund Planned Parenthood did not die with the failed Obamacare reform, as conservative groups are “re-igniting” their efforts. Amid continuing arguments that both the abortion rate and teen pregnancy are likely to go up with defunding, and cutting sex education programs, PP won the important Lasker Award for Public Service “for providing essential health services and reproductive care to millions of women for more than a century.” The videographer that released fraudulent videos about PP was ordered to pay $200,000 to the National Abortion Federation. One effort to support PP is an ongoing Kickstarter project (through 15 September) to create a themed comics collection.
The closure of abortion clinics in rural America represents the creation of “reproductive health deserts”, in a report from Pro Publica which “shows that more than half of the country’s rural counties now don’t have hospitals with obstetric services. And women of color are being hit the hardest.”
The humanitarian response to Hurricane Harvey included an offer of free abortion care from Whole Woman’s Health, and Anu Kumar of Ipas encouraged emergency relief agencies to be in accordance with the UN’s “Minimal Initial Service Package. The MISP calls for a series of actions to meet the immediate needs of disaster victims. The plan encourages authorities to address reproductive health issues, including sexual violence, emergency obstetric care and HIV…[availability of] reproductive health kits that can be easily deployed during a disaster… including oral and injectable contraception, emergency contraception, condoms, a rape treatment kit, an IUD kit and manual vacuum aspirators for delivery, among other things.”
State be state, restriction battles are taking divergent paths: moves for more access and availability in California, Nebraska, Hawaii, Illinois, and Wisconsin; continued threats in DC, Kentucky (though some “women ministers are preaching abortion rights”), Missouri and Alabama (where a minor girl had to get Court of Civil Appeals permission to have an abortion).
International politics
Conservative British MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, who is spoken about as a potential new leader and potential prime minister, has described abortion, under any circumstances, as “morally indefensible”, though he says his views would not affect the law, which allows for abortion. Medical professionals in Northern Ireland were told they will not face prosecution if they refer women to clinics in England and Wales for abortions, in a “a significant clarification of the law.” With word of a potential referendum on abortion rights in Ireland, one side calls for reproductive justice while an opponent calls the committee examining the constitutional ban on abortion “extremely partisan.” An Australia pregnant prisoner diagnosed with schizophrenia, who had applied to terminate her high-risk twin pregnancy, was denied by a tribunal, because it felt she did not have the mental “capacity to make the decision.” In India, where “gender equality can help manage population growth”, the government has been lauded for launching new contraceptives, and the Supreme Court allowed a 13-year-old rape victim to terminate at 31 weeks. Abortion is a topic in the New Zealand election, as Labor leader Jacinda Ardern’s commitment to decriminalize abortion “has already sparked controversy,” including a discussion of the right to abort for diagnosed disabilities. Sri Lankan bishops condemned moves to legalize abortion. In Canada, there remains some confusion as each province takes its own approach to funding Mifegymiso.
Research and resources
University of Michigan researchers from the School of Nursing and Medical School examined certified nurse midwives’ and certified midwives’ involvement with providing immediate post-partum long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) and found an opportunity “to enhance the immediate postpartum LARC-related knowledge and skills of the midwife workforce. They also suggest that logistic and institutional barriers to immediate postpartum LARC access must be removed in order to make this evidence-based reproductive health service available to all women who desire it.”
British doctors revealed a breakthrough, discovering genes linked to premature birth. The ObG Project published “key definitions for diagnosing Preeclampsia.” Ipas released promising new evidence on the safe use of medical abortion by women and health volunteers.
And one University of Wisconsin scientist who experienced two miscarriages with his wife looked at “the universal cost of sex,” wondering why the process of sexual reproduction, with such a high error rate, has persisted across species. He concluded, “Despite the huge disadvantage of high offspring loss, a majority of species still reproduce sexually. This is likely because of the great advantages it provides, namely increasing genetic diversity, which helps species adapt and survive. ‘You can’t get the advantages of sex, without the disadvantages of sex,’ [Dan] Levitis says. ‘In that way, pregnancy loss can be seen as a cost of sexual reproduction.’”
Complete News Review References:
Mine! : a comics collection to benefit Planned Parenthood, Kickstarter project ends 15 September 2017 at 2300 EDT.
Don’t forget women’s reproductive health in the wake of Harvey, Houston Chronicle, 8 Sep 2017
Midwife urges people to ‘stop having sex at Christmas’ after surge in September births, The Independent, 8 Sep 2017
The Pill: Access and costs of birth control, Daily Miner, 8 Sep 2017
Call for ‘reproductive justice’ as Government prepares for abortion vote, Newstalk, 8 Sep 2017
Alabama Court of Civil Appeals grants minor permission to have abortion,, 7 Sep 2017
No prosecution risk for Northern Ireland medical staff over abortion referrals, The Guardian, 7 Sep 2017
Iowa teen pregnancy prevention effort in peril as Trump administration cuts its grant, The Des Moines Register, 7 Sep 2017
Men are ditching condoms in favor of dangerous alternative, NY Post, 7 Sep 2017
Senate Panel Rejects Trump Plan for Cutting Foreign Assistance, Foreign Policy, 7 Sep 2017
Senate appropriators approve $2 billion increase in NIH funding, STAT News, 7 Sep 2017
Abortion clinics are closing in rural America. So are maternity wards., Vox, 7 Sep 2017
Missouri legislature counters St. Louis ordinances on minimum wage and reproductive care discrimination, Greensfelder, 7 Sep 2017
The universal cost of sex, Isthmus, 7 Sep 2017 (See below for academic reference as well)
Supreme Court allows 13-year-old rape survivor to abort her 31-week-old foetus, The Hindu, 6 Sep 2017
Waiting to have kids until later in life? You’re doing some good for the planet, too, Quartz, 6 Sep 2017
Alabama Rep. Justifies Attack On D.C.’s Anti-Discrimination Law By Lying About What It Does, DCist, 6 Sep 2017
The Women Ministers of Kentucky Preaching Abortion Rights, Yes!, 6 Sep 2017
More Progress Needed in Meeting Young Married Women’s Family Planning Needs With Modern Methods, PRB, 6 Sep 2017
Trump Judicial Nominee Amy Barrett Poses Grave Threat to Reproductive Rights, People for the American Way, 6 Sep 2017
Engaging Youth, Meaningfully: Q&A with Burcu Bozkurt, Global Health Now, 6 Sep 2017
The Tories’ Potential New Leader Opposes Abortion Even in Cases of Rape, Broadly, 6 Sep 2017
2017 Lasker Awards for Basic and Clinical Medical Research and Public Service Announced, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, 6 Sep 2017 and reaction: A Century of Progressing and Advancing Reproductive Health Care, JAMA, 6 Sep 2017
The issues around decrimialising abortion, Radio Live, 6 Sep 2017
Diagnosing Preeclampsia – Key Definitions, ObG Project, 5 Sep 2017
UK scientists reveal premature births breakthrough, Financial Times, 5 Sep 2017
9 Experts to Watch on Family Planning, News Deeply, 5 Sep 2017
Family planning group backtracks after urging royals not to have a third child, Yahoo, 5 Sep 2017
Texan Survivors of Harvey Can Get Free Abortion Care, With Travel Costs Covered, Slate, 5 Sep 2017
The 4 Most Common Mistakes Women Make When We Start Charting Our Cycles, Verily, 5 Sep 2017
Ardern’s pledge to decriminalise abortion sparks controversy, NZ Herald, 5 Sep 2017
A Little Respect: Improving Maternity Care, MHTF, 5 Sep 2017
Sri Lankan bishops condemn bill to legalize abortion, Vatican Radio, 5 Sep 2017
Abortions likely to increase if Planned Parenthood is defunded, Las Vegas Sun, 5 Sep 2017
Women’s economic security depends on you, Gov. Rauner, Crain’s Chicago Business, 5 Sep 2017
Another Thing Disappearing From Rural America: Maternal Care, ProPublica, 5 Sep 2017
Government of India is congratulated for the launch of new contraceptives., Partners in Population and Development, 5 Sep 2017
4 million more young women will use the private sector for contraception in 2020, SHOPS Plus, 5 Sep 2017
Kentucky’s last abortion clinic braces for pivotal legal showdown, CBS News, 4 Sep 2017
My Husband Tracks My Period and It’s So Good for Our Relationship, Self, 4 Sep 2017
This iPhone accessory could replace your contraceptive pill, Whimn, 4 Sep 2017
Reproductive Choice: Who should make the decision to bear a child?, Ukiah Daily Journal, 3 Sep 2017
McGrath: rights watchdog ‘partisan’ on abortion, The Business Post, 3 Sep 2017
AG candidate Sam McLure outs Montgomery abortion doc, suggests she be tried for murder, 3 Sep 2017
A Pregnant Prisoner Diagnosed With Schizophrenia Has Been Denied An Abortion, BuzzFeed, 3 Sep 2017
Planned Parenthood opens express location in Sheboygan,, 3 Sep 2017
State Opposes Attempts to Block Access to Information on Women’s Reproductive Health, Maui Now, 3 Sep 2017
Did Queen Victoria really hate being pregnant – and what was she like as a mother?, Radio Times, 3 Sep 2017
Judge Orders David Daleiden, Attorneys to Pay Nearly $200K to Abortion Federation for Releasing Undercover Video Despite Court Order, Christian News, 3 Sep 2017
Provinces take patchwork approach to funding for abortion pill Mifegymiso, The Globe and Mail, 3 Sep 2017
Juno at 10 – how have reproductive rights changed on screen?, Little White Lies, 2 Sep 2017
Dreams and Visions: On Being a Man After 3 Miscarriages in 20 Months, The Good Men Project, 1 Sep 2017
Trump’s global funding cut harms women, youth, The Hill, 1 Sep 2017
A tough pill to swallow, Study Breaks, 1 Sep 2017
Providing family planning services to women in Africa, WHO Bulletin, September 2017
The Fight To Defund Planned Parenthood Did Not Die With The Health Care Bill, BuzzFeed, 31 Aug 2017
How Gender Equality Can Help India Manage Population Growth, News Deeply, 31 Aug 2017
Q&A: Dr. Willie Parker on Building Bridges and Changing the Debate Around Abortion, Ms. Magazine, 28 Aug 2017
Adolescents & Youth: Defending their sexual and reproductive rights, Pathfinder, 11 Aug 2017
Why advocacy for reproductive rights is crucial, Today’s Omaha Woman, Summer 2017
Immediate Postpartum Contraception: A Survey Needs Assessment of a National Sample of Midwives, Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 7 Sep 2017
Promising new evidence on the safe use of medical abortion by women and health volunteers, Ipas, 7 Sep 2017
Discovery of genes linked to preterm birth in landmark study, March of Dimes, 6 Sep 2017
Swings in dad’s testosterone affects the family — for better or worse — after baby arrives, Science Daily, 5 Sep 2017
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in the United States, Guttmacher, September 2017
Selected efficacy and bleeding/spotting outcomes from the secure trial: a phase 3 study of AG200-15, an investigational weekly transdermal contraceptive patch, Fertility and Sterility, September 2017
Women’s career priority is associated with attitudes towards family planning and ethical acceptance of reproductive technologies, Human Reproduction, 30 Aug 2017
Antenatal corticosteroids for women at risk of imminent preterm birth in low-resource countries: the case for equipoise and the need for efficacy trials, BMJ Global Health, 30 Aug 2017
Universal health coverage, economic slowdown and system resilience: Africa’s policy dilemma, BMJ Global Health, 30 Aug 2017
Is meiosis a fundamental cause of inviability among sexual and asexual plants and animals?, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2 Aug 2017
Sexual health and its linkages to reproductive health: an operational approach, WHO, August 2017
The effect of reproductive health improvements on women’s economic empowerment, PRB, August 2017
Jeune S3 – Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights program – Portrait of Marlyse (Cameroon), Jeune S3, 13 Jul 2017
Violence, fear limit access to pregnancy care in Democratic Republic of Congo’s Kasai area, UNFPA, 1 Sep 2017
Government of DRC Announces Creation of First National Platform For Engaging Congolese Youth in AYSRH Decision-Making, E2A, 24 Aug 2017
Egypt delivers a drive to contain population boom, but are there any takers?, Arab News, 7 Sep 2017
Fighting abortion stigma in Africa, Youth Against Abortion Stigma, 5 Sep 2017
UNFPA Regional Ambassador, Stephanie Linus Visits Ghana, News Diary, 19 Aug 2017
Escape at dawn: running away from child marriage and FGM in Kenya, UNFPA, 6 Sep 2017
New gel to enhance reproductive health, Business Daily, 5 Sep 2017
Step up support for sexual and reproductive health, The Star, 4 Sep 2017
NGO Craves End to Maternal Mortality, Capitol Times, 5 Sep 2017
IMCAI Malawi for increased access to midwifery care, Nyasa Times, 7 Sep 2017
Lack of privacy discouraging Malawians access to sexual reproductive health services, says hooker, Nyasa Times, 6 Sep 2017
Gynaecologist warns against oral sex, The Sun, 6 Sep 2017
Helping Young People Share Their Own Family Planning Stories, HC3, 5 Sep 2017
Bauchi lacks adequate doctors, nurses, midwives – Official, Nigeria Today, 5 Sep 2017
Using Advocacy Strategies to Improve National Guidelines/Policies that Support Healthy Markets for Misoprostol use for PPH management at the Community Health Delivery Channels., Nigerian Tribune, 17 Aug 2017
Is there a role for Traditional Birth Attendants in combating maternal deaths in Nigeria?, Health Think, 12 Aug 2017
Family planning: Growing better families, people and nations, Health Think, 13 Jul 2017
Two medical students tackle reproductive health challenge in Rwanda, IT News Africa, 5 Sep 2017
Rwanda vs. USA on Healthcare, AJ+, 25 Jul 2017
‘My mother still thinks FGM was good for me’, Elle, 6 Sep 2017
South Africa
Bloody Conversations – talking to girls about their bodies, Daily Maverick, 4 Sep 2017
‘Let us talk about vaginas’, Wits Vuvuzela, 2 Sep 2017
South Sudan
“I decide for myself”: South Sudanese woman shows the power of knowledge, UNFPA, 5 Sep 2017
Kishapu, Kisarawe districts excel on menstruation hygiene management in schools, The Citizen, 7 Sep 2017
More teachers needed at public health schools, The Citizen, 5 Sep 2017
Geita girls’ monthly nightmare force them out of classes, Daily News, 2 Sep 2017
Child care invention wins award and funding, The East African, 7 Sep 2017
Uganda to Get Dedicated Fistula Hospital , The Independent, 6 Sep 2017
Guntesse champions reproductive health, The Observer, 4 Sep 2017
Engaging Uganda’s Religious Leaders as Advocates for Sexuality Education, K4Health, 23 Aug 2017
Family planning: The grim reality in rural areas, Daily News, 3 Sep 2017