- Balkachew Nigatu, Tigist Workneh, Thomas Mekuria, Helen Yifter, Yeshiwondim Mamuye and Addisu Gize. Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic of St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 8:2. 2022.
- Tesfaye Hurissa Tufa, FA. Abubeker, S. Prager, LB. Tolu, J.Grentzer F.Surur J.DBell. The role of advanced training in family planning and reproductive health in a low-income country; the experience of Ethiopia. 2022.
- Mariamawit Asfaw , Lemi Belay Tolu, Tadesse Urgie, Balkachew Nigatu, Delayehu Bekele, Matiyas Asrat Shiferaw. Guidelines and Best Practice Recommendations on Contraception and Safe Abortion Care Service Provision Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Scoping Review. EJRH. Vol 13 No 01, 2021.
- Tesfaye Hurissa Tufa,Sarah Prager,Mekitie Wondafrash,Shikur Mohammed,Nicole Byl,Jason Bell. Comparison of surgical versus medical termination of pregnancy between 13-20 weeks of gestation in Ethiopia: A quasi-experimental study. PLoS ONE 16(4): 2021.
- Lemi Belay Tolu, Tadesse Urgie, Balkachew Nigatu. Impact of Utilizing the WHO Safe Childbirht Checklist on Reducing Maternal and Perinatal Death: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health: Vol 13 No 2 2021.
- Thomas Mekuria Gebre, Tadesse Urgie, Tilahun Tilala, Ferid Abbas, and Biruck Gashawbeza. Overcoming Patient-Provider Language Barrier: A Project Designed to Teach Health Professionals Afaan Oromoo Language. Research Article-Volume 6, Issue 2, 2021.
- Abel Teshome, Mekitie Wondafrash, Biruck Gashawbeza, Balkachew Nigatu1, Matiyas Asrat , Sarah D. Compton. Post-abortion contraceptive adoption in Ethiopia. Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Volume 154, Issue 1: 157-161, 2021.
- Alemayehu Bisrat , Dagne Minda, Bekalu Assamnew, Biruk Abebe & Teshome Abegaz. Implementation challenges and perception of care providers on Electronic Medical Records at St. Paul’s and Ayder Hospitals, Ethiopia. BMC Med Inform Decis. Mak. 21, 306, 2021.
- Biruck Gashawbeza, Delayehu Bekele and Tesfaye H Tufa. The Incidence Sociodemographic, Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Ectopic Pregnancy in Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Front Womens Health, 2021.
- Tesfaye H. Tufa, Sarah Prager,Mekitie Wondafrash,Shikur Mohammed,Nicole Byl,Jason Bell. Comparison of surgical versus medical termination of pregnancy between 13-20 weeks of gestation in Ethiopia: A quasi-experimental study. Plos One: April 1, 2021.
- Ferid A. Abubeker, Biruck Gashawbeza, Thomas Mekuria Gebre, Mekitie Wondafrash, Alula M. Teklu, Demis Degu & Delayehu Bekele. Analysis of cesarean section rates using Robson ten group classification system in a tertiary teaching hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 20, 767 2020.
- Lemi Belay Tolu , Endale Yigezu,Tadesse Urgie, Garumma Tolu Feyissa. Maternal and perinatal outcome of preeclampsia without severe feature among pregnant women managed at a tertiary referral hospital in urban Ethiopia. Plos One. Published: April 9, 2020.
- Lemi Belay Tolu, Tesfaye Hurisa, Ferid Abas, Mekdes Daba, Biruck Abebe, Balkachew Nigatu, Sarah Prager. Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Safe Abortion and Ccontraceptive Services and Mitigation Measures: A Case Study from a Tertiary Facility in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. Vol 12 No 3, 2020.
- Tesfaye H. Tufa, , Sarah Pragera, Antonell F. Lavelanet, Caron Kim. Drugs used to induce fetal demise prior to abortion: a systematic review. Contraception: X,2, 2020.
- Tesfaye Hurissa, Jason Bell, Mekitie Wondafrash, Feiruz Surur, Lauren MacAfee, Vanessa Dalton, Chava Kahn, and Yanik Megan. Outcomes of Second Trimester Surgical Abortion: The Experience of a Teritary Health Facility in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health (EJRH), Volume 11:1, 8 pages, 2019.
- Ferid A. Abubeker, Malede B. Fanta, and Vanessa K. Dalton. Unmet Need for Contraception among HIV-Positive Women Attending HIV Care and Treatment Service at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. International Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 7 pages, Volume 2019.
- Talema Aytenew, Delayehu Bekele. Prevalence and Outcome of Pregestational Diabetes Mellitus among Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Care at Three Teaching Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Prospective follow up Study. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. EJRH. Vol 11 No 1, 2019.
- Mustefa Negash Abdella, Jenberu Meskelu, Alula M. Teklu, Delayehu Bekele. Obstetric Referrals at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC): Pre-Referral Care and Appropriateness. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. EJRH. Vol 11 No 2, 2019.
- Matiyas Asrat, Delayehu Bekele, Sarah D. Rominski. Post-abortion Contraceptive Acceptance and Choice Determinants among Women Receiving Abortion Care at Saint Paul’s hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health: EJRH. Vol 10 No 1, 2018.
- Matiyas Asrat, Delayehu Bekele, Sarah D.Rominski. Post-abortion contraceptive acceptance and choice among women receiving abortion care at Saint Paul’s Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. The Lancet Global Health, 6, Supp 2, S37, 2018.
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- Tesfaye Hurissa, Delayehu Bekele. A One-Year Review of Pelvic Organ Prolapse at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. EJRH. Vol 10 No 1, 2018.
- Balkachew Nigatu, Tizita Abraham, Geremew Negash. Case Report: Spontaneous Fundal Uterine Rupture in a Grand Multipara before Onset of Labor. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. EJRH. Vol 10 No 1, 2018.
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- Ferid Abbas, Malede Birara, Delayehu Bekele. Review of Hysterectomies done for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasias (CIN) in a teaching referral Hospital. Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. EJRH. Vol 7 No 1, 2014.
- Lemi Belay, Unintended pregnancies and associated factors in Ethiopia: A systematic review.
- Dilayehu Bekele, Mariamawit Asfaw. A randomized controlled trial of sequential versus simultaneous use of Foley Balloon and oxytocin for induction of labor in Nulliparous pregnant women.
- Matiyas Asrat, Factors associated with delayed presentation for safe abortion into the second trimester of pregnancy.
- Matiyas Asrat, RH and FP use among epileptic women in public hospitals.
- Thomas Mekuria, A mixed method study on sexual violence survivors’ interaction with the Legal system via Addis Ababa’s Menelik II One stop center.
- Wondimu Gudu, Malede Birara, Mesele Terecha, Ishmael Shemsedin. Exploring socio cultural sensitivity in health care provision at a teaching hospital, Ethiopia.
- Wondimu Gudu, Congenital anomalies on routine second trimester anatomic scanning at a teaching hospital in Addis Ababa: prevalence, patterns and associated factors.
- Hassen Hussien, Experience of Maternal Death Surveillance and Response system in a tertiary teaching hospital.
- Matiyas Asrat, Prevalence and factors associated with utilization of long acting reversible contraception among family planning service clients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: cross sectional study.