CIRHT Research Competencies
Goal: Build a core of independent research investigators
Research Competencies
Research investigator is able to concisely frame a research question that is useful, answerable, and valid and critique the proposed research questions of peers.
Research investigator is able to develop an information search plan, navigate the scholarly literature, and identify high-quality resources needed to inform their research project.
Research investigator understands the various study designs and methods, and is able to select and integrate the appropriate design for his or her develop the research protocol for their research project, and understands the various study designs and their methods.
Research investigator is able to secure ethical review approval for their research project, and understands the laws, guidelines, and philosophies behind ethical review of human subjects research.
Research investigator understands the various methods of survey/questionnaire design and uses those to design an appropriate survey instrument for his or her research project.
Research investigator is able to collect the data necessary to address the research question.
Research investigator understands basic analysis methods, how to interpret quantitative and qualitative data, and is able to employ them to manage and analyze data.
Research investigator understands the general format of an abstract and is able to write an effective abstract for his or her research project(s).
Research investigator understands the general structure and principles of scientific writing and is able to develop a manuscript to synthesize research results.
Research investigator is able to assess and select an appropriate target journal that matches the topic and audience for his or her scientific manuscript.
Research investigator understands the steps and communications involved as part of the peer review publication process for an academic journal.
Research investigator is able to develop a presentation and effectively communicate their research at a scientific conference.
Research investigator understands the roles and responsibilities of research mentors and mentees and is able to effectively engage in either role.

Collection Content
Competency 1
Framing a Research Question (Workshop and Training Material – Berhanu G. Meskel) Watch , Video-download , PDF
Competency 2
Research Guides: Center for International Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT): Overview (Reference Material – Gurpreet Kaur Rana) Link
Research Guides: UMSN Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Summer Institute: Overview (Reference Material) Link
Information Empowerment: Information Seeking and Data Resources in the Research Context (Workshop & Training Material – Gurpreet Kaur Rana) PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, PDF4, PDF5, PDF6
Foundations in Searching the Biomedical Literature (Workshop & Training Material – Gurpreet Kaur Rana) Watch , Video-Download , PDF
Foundations of Searching the Biomedical Literature 2 (Workshop & Training Material – Gurpreet Kaur Rana) Watch , Video-download
Advanced Literature Searching in the Health Sciences (Online Course) Link
Data resources in FP/CAC research and learning (Workshop & Training Material – Gurpreet Kaur Rana) PDF
Competency 3
Developing a Research Protocol (Workshop and Training Material – – Yolanda R. Smith) Video , PDF
Randomized Controlled Trials, Observational Studies, and the Hierarchy of Research Designs, Dr. John Concato et al., Yale University, New England Journal of Medicine. (2000) (Reference Material) Link
Lancet Series Epidemiology, Lancet. (2005) (Reference Material) Link
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Online and Blended Learning Workshop (Workshop and Training Material) Link
Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis, Tianjing Li, MD, MHS, PHD, Kay Dickersin, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Coursera. (2019) (Online Course) Link
Statistics in Medicine – Reporting of Subgroup Analyses in Clinical Trials (Reference Material) Link
Integrate gender into your scientific research (Online Course) Link
Competency 4
PEERRS: the University of Michigan’s online Program for Education and Evaluation in Responsible Research and Scholarship (Online Course Module) Link
Research Ethics Training Curriculum (RETC), Second Edition (Online Course) Link
Ethiopia National Research Ethics Review Guideline (Reference Material) Link
Competency 5
Research Training for Health Professionals (Workshop and Training Material – Sarah Rominski, 2011) Download (Zip file)
Health Systems Research I Module Guide (Open Access Textbook) Link
Framework for Data Collection and Analysis (Online Course) Link
Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys (Online Course) Link
Competency 6
Data Collection: Online, Telephone and Face-to-face (Online Course) Link
Competency 7
Qualitative Coding Boot Camp: An Intensive Training and Overview for Clinicians, Educators, and Administrators (Reference Material) Link
Data Quality: Data Cleaning (Workshop & Training Material) Link
Data Quality: Missing Data (Workshop & Training Material) Link
Preparing Research Datasets (Workshop & Training Material) Link
Data Quality: Out of Range Values (Workshop & Training Material) Link
Missing Data (Reference Material) Link
Competency 9
Journal Article Writing Video Series (Online Course Module – Ella August) Module 1- intro ( Video1 , PDF1 ), Module 2- Methods ( Video2 , PDF2 ), Module 3- Results ( Video3 , PDF3 ), Module 4- Discussion ( Video4 , PDF4 )
The Basics of Scientific Manuscript Writing (Workshop and Training Material – Ella August) Video , PDF
Ten simple rules for structuring papers (Reference Material) Link
How to write and publish a research paper for a Peer-Reviewed Journal (Reference Material) Link , (annotated example article) Appendix
Competency 10
Selecting a Journal (Workshop and Training Material – Ella August and Gurpreet Rana) Watch , Video-Download
Competency 11
Responding to Journal Peer Reviewers (Workshop and Training Material – Ella August) Watch , Video-Download , PDF
Creating and Managing an Online Identity (Workshop and Training Material – Gurpreet Rana) Watch , Video-Download
Competency 12
Promote yourself and your research with a dazzling oral presentation (Workshop and Training Material – Ella August) Watch , Video-Download , PDF
Media communication skills for scientists (Online Course) Link
Competency 13
Maximizing Your Research Mentorship Experience (Reference Material – Yolanda R. Smith) PDF
Mentoring in Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Advance Global Health Research (Reference Material) Link
Global Health Fellows: Mentor Compact (Reference Material) PDF
Effective Mentoring Strategies PDF
Effective Distance Mentoring Arrangements (Reference Material) PDF