Sexual and Reproductive Health: Informing Policy and Practice through Research and Preservice Training
Kigali, RWANDA. 5-7 OCTOBER 2022
Call for Abstract Submission
The “Sexual and Reproductive Health: Informing Policy and Practice through Research and Preservice Training” conference is organized by the Center for International Reproductive Health Training at the University of Michigan (CIRHT-UM). CIRHT partners with academic institutions in low-resource settings to support and strengthen their capacity to provide competency-based preservice training in family planning and comprehensive abortion care, (FP/CAC).
CIRHT’s second scientific conference will be held in Kigali, Rwanda from 5-7 October 2022. The three-day conference will serve as a platform for education and research in family planning and abortion and will showcase research and evidence in the form of original oral and virtual poster presentations, plenary lectures by international experts, and workshops. The conference will draw participants from a diverse group of professionals including nurse/midwives, OB-GYNs, faculty and trainees, and policy makers.
CIRHT is seeking abstracts highlighting the best science in the areas of contraception and abortion.
- Abstract can be submitted in English or French.
- Submitters may indicate their preference for an Oral Presentation or a Virtual Poster Presentation.
- The deadline for abstract submission is 31 July 2022.
Abstract submission guidelines
All abstracts must be submitted using the online submission process- Abstracts must be research or practice-oriented and relevant to contraception, abortion and/or SRHR
- Abstracts must not have been previously published in a journal or presented at a scientific conference. Research work previously presented internally at hospital, university or organizational meetings will be considered, but abstract submitters should disclose this information at the time of submission
- All activities involving human subjects or vertebrate animals must be approved by an appropriate institutional review board (IRB) or equivalent
- Presenting and corresponding author should be the same person
- All correspondences will be by email and acceptance notifications will be sent in mid-August.
Formatting Requirements
- Abstract title should concise and clearly convey the subject of the abstract
- Capitalize only the first word of the title and any proper nouns or acronyms
- The submission must include the following sections:
- Background
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- The abstract must not exceed 500 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations, and section headings)
- Trade names should not be used
- Tables, graphs, and charts are not permitted.
Depending on the volume of submissions, the Program Subcommittee may not be able to honor all preferences; some proposals not accepted for Oral Presentation may be considered for Poster Presentation, with the agreement of the submitter.
Awards are given for both oral and virtual poster presentations.- All presenters of oral abstracts are eligible to receive first, second, or third place awards for outstanding research.
- Trainee presenters of virtual poster abstracts are eligible to receive first, second, or third place awards for best trainee poster.