XXII FIGO World Congress – 2018
Wondimu Gudu. Factors Influencing Antenatal Care Utilization in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 244. December 2018.
Kiros Terefe Gashaye. Determinants of Long Acting Reversible Contraception Utilization in Northwest Ethiopia. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 368. December 2018.
Matiyas Asrat. Post-Abortion Contraceptive Acceptance and Choice at a Teaching Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 394. December 2018.
Hale Teka; Berhe Zelelow. Analysis of Maternal Mortality at a University Hospital Setting in Northern Ethiopia: 3 Years Review. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 462. December 2018.
Fikru Abebe. Determinants of Uterine Rupture among Cases of Adama Town Public and Private Hospitals, Ethiopia. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 234. December 2018.
Feiruz Surur, Lesley Regan, Philip Darney, Leonel Briozzo, Dominique Truan Kaplan. Obstetrician-Gynecologists as Leaders for Abortion Access and Care. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 133. December 2018.
Eyasu Mesfin Kassa; Eskinder Kebede Weldetensaye. Time-to-Pregnancy and Associated Factors among Couples with Natural Planned Conception in Ethiopia. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 354. December 2018
Diana Curran; Balkachew Nega; Michael Gelb. Professional Development for Faculty and Senior Residents in Ethiopia. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 983. December 2018
Awol Yemane; Hale Teka; Haftom Temesgen. Incidence of Gestational Hypertension and Progression towards Preeclampsia in Ethiopia. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 184. December 2018
Abel Teshome Tadesse; Malede Birara; Sarah D. Rominski. Quality of Family Planning Counseling Among Women Attending Prenatal Care at a Hospital in Addis Ababa. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 397. December 2018.
Abida Hasan, Hale Teka, Awol Yeman, Micaela Della Torre1, Stacie E. Geller. INDICATIONS FOR CESAREAN DELIVERY AT A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN MEKELLE, ETHIOPIA. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 675. December 2018.
Wondimu Gudu, Medina Barsenga. ” ISOLATED OVARIAN TUBERCULOSIS IN AN IMMUNO- COMPETENT WOMAN IN THE POST PARTUM PERIOD: CASE REPORT Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 748. December 2018.
Bekalu Mossie Chekol, Yonas Getachew Alemu. ” OUTCOME OF MANAGING SECOND TRIMESTER POST ABORTION CASES USING A STANDARDIZED COMBINATION OF REGIMEN. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 392. December 2018.
Getu Kassaye, Eskinder Weldetensaye. ” PREVALENCE OF URINARY INCONTINENCE AND ITS DETERMINANTS AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN IN ADDIS ABABA ETHIOPIA. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 420. December 2018.
Mahlet Lulseged Bekele, Zenebe Wolde Jijo. ” TREATMENT OUTCOME OF OBSTETRIC FISTULA AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS IN YIRGALEM FISTULA CENTER, ETHIOPIA. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 422. December 2018.
Million Teshome Betele, Zenebe Wolde Jijo, Abel Godefaw, Anteneh Asefa. ” IMPROVING SURGICAL INFORMED CONSENT IN OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGIC SURGERIES: EVIDENCE FROM ETHIOPIA. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 484. December 2018.
Yonas Alemu. ” IMPLEMENTING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI) PROJECTS TO ENHANCE CONTRACEPTION AND ABORTION CARE IN PRESERVICE Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 838. December 2018.
Abera Tura, Joost Zwart, Jelle Stekelenburg, Thomas Van Den Akker, Sicco Scherjon, Jos Van Roosmalen. ” PRE-VALIDATION OF THE SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN MATERNAL NEAR MISS TOOL: A PILOT STUDY IN ETHIOPIA Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 201. December 2018.
Demisew Amenu Sori, Desta Hiko. ” MATERNAL AND PERINATAL OUTCOMES OF LABORING MOTHERS WITH MECONIUM STAINED AMNIOTIC FLUID (MSAF) Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 263. December 2018.
Tamirie Andualem Abdi, Bekalu Mossie Chekol. ” DEVELOPMENT OF A SCALE MEASURING CLIENT SATISFACTION WITH COMPREHENSIVE ABORTION CARE Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 369. December 2018.
Laura Laursen, Awol Yeman, Amanuel Desta Gebremichael, Gelila Goba, Yibrah Berhe Zelelow. ” LESSONS LEARNED FROM INTRODUCING DILATION AND EVACUATION IN TIGRAY REGION OF ETHIOPIA. Int Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Special Issue: Volume 143:S3, page 386. December 2018.
CUGH March 2018
Selamawit Lake Fenta and A. Nigussie. Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Proportion and Associated Factors of Maternal Near Miss among Admitted Mothers at Felege Hiwot Specialized Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar Ethiopia. Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20460.82563. March 2018.
Asires, Y., G. Tadesse. Addis Ababa University, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Permanent contraception: Neglected family planning option in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). March 2018.
Bisrat Fantaye Denberu, Fessehaye Alemseged, Mengistu Hailemriam, Hailemariam Segne A. Hailemeskel. Determinants of Abortion among Youth Seeking RH Care in Selected Health Facilities, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). March 2018.
Gauger, B. G. Gebremeskel, L. T. Gebremedhin, G. D. Gurmu, S. Assefa. A Novel Global Health Anesthesia Collaboration via Blue Jeans Video-Conferencing. CUGH. March 2018.
Berhanu Ayana, A. Addis, A. Gebeyehu, Y. Getachew, A. Teklu, M. Adefris, M. Abtea, R. John. Perception towards Dilatation and Evacuation and Associated Factors among Abortion Service Providers in Ethiopia: A Cross Sectional Study. CUGH. March 2018.
Daniel Assefa, Azeb Hailemeskel. Assessing Practice of Undergraduate Midwifery Pre-Service Education, Clinical Practice and Research in Higher Teaching Institutions of Ethiopia. CUGH. March 2018.
Solomon W. Beza, Mengistu H. Damtew, F. G. Birhanu, B. G. Gebremeskel, Tamrat Endale, Yolanda R. Smith, Janet Hall, Lia. T. Gebremedhin. Enhancing Competencies of Medical Graduates in the Provision of Contraception and Pregnancy Termination. CUGH. March 2018.
Munir K. Eshetu, Mengistu H. Damtew, Meghan Obermeyer, Kefelegn K. Baruda, Yonas G. Alemu, Asnakech D. Woldemariam, Yolanda Smith, Berhanu Gebremeskel, Tamrat Endale, Janet Hall, Lia T. Gebremedhin. Implementing Quality Improvement (QI) Projects to Enhance Contraception and Abortion Care Services and Pre-Service Training of Health Care Providers. CUGH. March 2018.
Mengistu H. Damtew, Y. G. Tilahun, Yonas G. Tadesse, B. G. Gebremeskel, L. T. Gebremedhin, Tamrat Endale, G. K. Rana, Yolanda. R. Smith. Revamping the Culture and the Practice of Research among Obstetrics / Gynecology (Ob-Gyn) and Midwifery Faculty in Ethiopia. CUGH. March 2018.
Berhanu G. Gebremeskel, Alula Teklu, Lia T. Gebremedhin, Solomon W. Beza, Tigab Yigzaw, Munir Eshetu, Mengistu H. Damtew, Yolanda R. Smith. Creating a Generation of Doctors Competent in Family Planning Skills in Low-and Middle Income Countries: Structured Integration of Family Planning Curriculum in Ethiopia. CUGH. March 2018.
ICFP November 2018
Shumi Negesse Wami. Adama General Hospital and Medical College. Implementing Quality Improvement (QI) Projects to Enhance Contraception and Abortion Care. ICFP, November 2018.
Eyaya Misgan Asress. Role of simulation-based training in advancing skills in provision of contraception and abortion services: Experience from Bahir Dar School of Medicine, Ethiopia. ICFP, November 2018.
Tesfaye Hurissa. “The ‘Michu’ model of Women-centered Family Planning and Comprehensive Abortion Care in a Teaching Hospital”. ICFP, November 2018.
FP/CAC ADDIS April 4-5 2019
Gedefaw Abeje. Trends and Factors Associated with Long Acting and Permanent Method Contraceptive Use in Ethiopia O-01. April 2019.
Endalkachew Mekonnen. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Health Providers towards Safe Abortion Provision in Addis Ababa Health Centers. O-03. April 2019.
Yibeltal Siraneh, Ahadu Workneh. Determinants and Outcome of Safe Second Trimester Medical Abortion at Jimma University Medical Center, South West Ethiopia. O-04. April 2019.
Melese Siyoum, Ayalew Astatkie, Teshome Melese, Zelalem Tenaw, Abebaw Abeje, Lee Roosevelt. Respectful Family Planning Service Provision in Sidama Zone, Southern Region, Ethiopia. O-05. April 2019.
Habtamu Abera, Tebikew Yeneabat, Shitalem Tesfaw. Discontinuation of Modern Contraceptive Use and Associated Factors among Reproductive Age Women in Rural Machakel District, East Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia. O-07. April 2019.
Kalkidan Belayneh and Dawit Kassa. Knowledge and Attitude towards Induced Abortion among Medical Interns of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. O-08. April 2019.
Tesfaye Tufa, Lemi Belay Tolu, Feiruz Surur, Berhanu Seboka, Jason Bell, Lauren Macafee, Vanessa Dalton, Chava Kahn. Intra-amniotic Digoxin Administration to Induce Fetal Demise Prior to Late Second Trimester Abortion as a First Experience in a Tertiary Health Facility in Addis Ababa. O-09. April 2019.
Jean-Pierre Nganabashaka, Albert Ndagijimana, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye. Modern Contraceptive Use among 15-34 Sexually Active Unmarried Young Females in Rwanda: Secondary Data Analysis of 2014-15 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey. O-10. April 2019.
Tewodros Getinet Yirtaw, Delayehu Bekele, Alula Meressa, Feiruz Surur, Balikachew Nigatu, Tadele Kebede Lako, Berhane Assefa Merddassa, Tenaye Kebede Adamo. Determinants of Intention to Use Family Planning Methods in the Four Emerging Regions of Ethiopia: Ideation Score-based Assessment O-11. April 2019.
Wubareg Seifu, Abdiwahib Hashi, Abdi Barkhadle. Unsafe Abortion and Associated Factors Among Women in Child Bearing Age Attending Maternal and Child Health Care of Public and Private Unit Health Facilities in Jigjiga City Council Administration, Somali Region, Ethiopia, in 2018. O-12. April 2019.
Muleta Wayessa. Focused Family Planning Counseling Increases Immediate Postpartum IUCD Uptake: A Quasi Experimental Study. O-13. April 2019.
Tewodros Seyoum, Mahalet Imana. The Magnitude and Determinants of Repeat Induced Abortion among Reproductive Age Women Seeking Abortion Care Services at Health Institutions in Debre Markos Town, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia: Cross-sectional Study Design. O-15. April 2019.
Abiy Regassa. Modern Contraception Use Among Partnered (Sero- Concordant) ART Service Users in Selected Public Health Centers in Addis Ababa O-16. April 2019.
Ruth Zielinski. Improved Continuity of Post-natal Care and Family Planning Use through Educating Midwifery/Family Nurse Practitioners. P-01. April 2019.
Geremew Wana, Abraham Kebede. Social Media Usage and Predictors of Risky Sexual Behavior among Pre-College Students in Adama Town, Ethiopia. P-12. April 2019.
Amanual Getnet Mersha. Contraceptive Use among HIV-Positive and Negative Women: Implication to End Unintended Pregnancy. P-13. April 2019.
Diomede Ntasumbumuyange, Alice Mwiza, Magnifique Irakoze, Gerard Kaberuka, Aimable Nkurunziza, Madeleine Mukeshimana, Stephen Rulisa. Community Outreach to Tackle Unmet Need in Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Rwanda. Case Study: “World Contraception Week, September 2018”. P-14. April 2019.
Blaise Munyakarama, Aimable Nkurunziza, Madeleine Mukeshimana, Diomede Ntasumbumuyange, Alice Mwiza, Olive Tengera, Magnifique Irakoze, Gerard Kaberuka, Stephen Rulisa. A Comparative Study of Patterns of Sexual Behavior among Adolescents from Rural and Urban Schools in Rwanda. P-15. April 2019.
Stephen Rulisa, Aimable Nkurunziza, Madeleine Mukeshimana, Diomede Ntasumbumuyange, Alice Mwiza, Olive Tengera, Blaise Munyakarama, Magnifique Irakoze, Gerard Kaberuka. Family Planning Needs Assessment in Selected Rwandan Communities. P-16. April 2019.
Aimable Nkurunziza, Madeleine Mukeshimana, Omolola Irinoye, Diomede Ntasumbumuyange, Alice Mwiza, Olive Tengera, Blaise Munyakarama, Magnifique Irakoze, Gerard Kaberuka, Stephen Rulisa. Sexual and Reproductive Risk Taking Behaviours among In-School Adolescents in Kigali, Rwanda. P-17. April 2019.
Delphine Umugwizawase, Seraphine Nyiraneza, Helene Mucyo, Kenneth Ruzindana, Diomede Ntasumbumuyange. Assessment of quality of Comprehensive Abortion Care Services at Kigali University Teaching Hospital. P-18. April 2019.
Madeleine Mukeshimana, Aimable Nkurunziza, Jean Bosco Henri Hitayezu, Tamrat Endale. . Lack of Effective Counseling: A Barrier in Family Planning Use and Its Continuity Among Rural Women in Rwanda. P-19. April 2019.
Adolphe Karegeya Byambu, Stephen Rulisa, Diomede Ntasumbumuyange, Maria Small, Kenneth Ruzindana, Gashema Heritier. Factors Influencing Tubal Ligation Acceptance in Rwanda. P-20. April 2019.
Yesuf Ahmed, Habib Mohammed, Habtamu Jarso. Contraceptive Use and Associated Factors among High School Adolescent Students in Jimma Town: A Cross-sectional Study. P-22. April 2019.
Abdurezak Umer. Assessment of Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive and Associated Factors among Women of Reproductive Age in Dire Dawa City Administration, Eastern Ethiopia. P-23. April 2019.
Abdurezak Umer, Mohammed Yuya, Ahmednur Mohammed. Determinants of Access and Attitude of Family Planning among Reproductive Age Women in Dire Dawa City Administration, Eastern Ethiopia. P-24. April 2019.
Mebratu Mitiku Reta, Gizachew Assefa Tessema, Getachew Shiferaw. Prevalence of Dual Contraceptive Use among HIV Positive Women at the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. P-26. April 2019.
Susan Ernst, Claire Kalpakjian, Liya Solomon, Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin, Jodi Kreschmer. Barriers to Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents and Women with Disabilities in Addis Ababa. P-27. April 2019.
Susan Ernst, Claire Kalpakjian, Feiruz Surur, Nebiyou Wendwessen, Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin, Jodi Kreschmer Barriers to Provision of Reproductive Healthcare for Adolescents and Women with Disabilities in Addis Ababa. P-27. April 2019.
Masresha Soressa, Worknesh Kereta, Getaneh Assefa. The Role of Peer Educators in FP Uptake by Young People, SNNP, Ethiopia. P-31. April 2019.
Abebaw Kasahun, Haimanot Adane. Effect of Scaling Up Family Planning on Maternal Survival in Ethiopia: Spectrum Modeling. P-32. April 2019.
Nsenga Bakinahe. Factors Determining the Choice of Modern Contraceptive Methods among Women in Kigali City: A Case Study of Muhima Districts Hospital and Gitega Health Center. P-33. April 2019.
Bekalu Kassie, Fisseha Yetwale, Kahsay Gebreslasie, Zerfu Mulaw, Yibeltal Aschale. Levels and Determinants of Long Acting Contraceptive Methods Utilization among Reproductive Age Women in Debre Markos Town, Ethiopia. P-36. April 2019.
Abdella Abdo, Abraham Alano, Dejene Hailu. Knowledge and Utilization of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Hawassa University Students, Hawassa, South Ethiopia. P-37. April 2019.
Kahsay Gebreslasie, Gelawdiwos Gebre, Solomon Weldemariam, Gebretsadik Gebremedhin, Abdella Abdo, Habtom Tadesse. Family Planning Service Satisfaction and Associated Factors in Southeast Health Facilities of Tigray Region, Ethiopia, 2018. P-38. April 2019.
Beza Dagnaw. Determinants and Practice of Family Planning among Women of Reproductive Age in Debre Markos Town, Amhara, Ethiopia. P-40. April 2019.
Dereje Demissie, Tolera Gudisa. Dual Contraceptive Utilization and Associated Factors among Women Living with HIV Attending ART Clinics in West Zone Health Facilities, Oromia, Ethiopia. P-41. April 2019.
Ayele Semachew. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Family Planning among Reproductive Age Women in North Achefer District, Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia, 2017. P-42. April 2019.
Anteneh Asefa, Mengistu Hailemariam, Munir Kassa, Mengistu Gebremichael. Applying the Concept and Measurements of Respectful Maternity Care in Family Planning and Abortion Care Settings: Evidence from a Specialized Teaching Hospital in Ethiopia. P-44. April 2019.
Tesfaye Tufa, Megan Yanik, Mekitie Wondafrash, Jason Bell, Chava Kahn, Lauren Macafee, Vanessa Dalton, Feiruz Surur. Outcomes of Second Trimester Surgical Abortion: The Experience of a Tertiary Health Facility in Ethiopia. P-51. April 2019.
Alice Muhayimana, Emmanuel Ndayambaje. Knowledge and Practice towards Modern Contraception among First Year Female Students in University of Rwanda College of Business and Economics, Gikondo Campus. P-53. April 2019.
Elias Wakwoya. Acceptance of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device and Associated Factors among Family Planning Users at Metehara Health Center, East Shoa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. P-54. April 2019.
Ketema Lema, Dassalegn Workineh. Assessing Client’s Preference: Medical versus Surgical Abortion in Jimma Model Clinic, Southwest Area Office, Ethiopia, 2017. P-55. April 2019.
Getie Aynalem, Kiber Temesgen, Miteku Limenih, Marta Berta, Abayneh Akililu. Consistent and Correct Condom Utilization as a Family Planning Purpose and Associated Factors among Sexually Active Female Anti-retro Viral Treatment Users in Finoteselam District Hospital, North West Ethiopia, 2016. P-56. April 2019.
Mussie Alemayehu, Afework Mulugeta, Araya Medhanyie, Kibrom Brhanu, Yemane Gebremariam, Selemawit Asfaw. Level of Utilization and Associated Factors of Reproductive, Maternal and Neonatal Health Services among Women from Pastoralist Communities of Afar Region, Northern Ethiopia. P-59. April 2019.
Mussie Alemayehu, Araya Medhanyie, Afework Mulugeta. Perceived Male Involvement of Family Planning Improved Intention to Use among Women of Pastoralist Communities in Ethiopia: Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis. P-60. April 2019.
Asteray Ayenew, Amlaku Awoke. Utilization of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive Methods and Associated Factor among Women who Came for Family Planning Service in Bahir Dar City Public Health Facility, Northwest Ethiopia: Institutional Based Cross Sectional Study. P-63. April 2019.
Abebe Alemu, Gedefa Amanu, Daniel Kebede. Emergency Contraception: Knowledge and Practice among Female Students in Dilla University, Southern Ethiopia, 2017. P-64. April 2019.
XXI FIGO World Congress, Vancouver. October 4-9 2015
Lia Tadesse. “Innovative Curricula for Teaching Family Planning and Safe Abortion”. FIGO Pre-Congress Summit.
Lia Tadesse. “Ensuring Leadership in Family Planning and Safe Abortion: The Role of Medical Education.” FIGO Pre-Congress Summit.
CIRHT team.”Building the Capacity of Medical Schools to Produce Competent Healthcare Providers who deliver High Quality Comprehensive Reproductive Health Services”. Ancillary Post-FIGO Workshop.
4th International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), Nusa Dua. January 25-28 2016
CIRHT team. “Creating a continuum of Care for Ethiopian Women: Integrating Family Planning and Comprehensive Abortion Care into Pre-Service Medical Training”
CIRHT team. “Pre-Service Integration of Family Planning Training in Medical Education: A Case Study from Ethiopia”. Auxiliary ICFP Workshop.