
Guidelines for Oral & E-Poster Presentations

Oral Presentation

Oral presentation guidelines for the Sexual and Reproductive Health: Informing Policy and Practice through Research and Preservice Training conference in Kigali, Rwanda, 5-7 October 2022.

The PowerPoint presentation must include the following sections:

– Title, Authors, Affiliations
– Background
– Methods
– Results
– Conclusions
– Implications for clinical practice

The presentation should be ten minutes followed by 3-5 minutes for audience questions. Session moderators will hold you to the allotted time.

– Trade names should not be used.
– Tables, graphs, and charts are permitted.

All presenters of oral abstracts are eligible to receive first, second, or third place awards for outstanding research.

Please send your final oral presentation to: [email protected]


Poster presentation guidelines for the Sexual and Reproductive Health: Informing Policy and Practice through Research and Preservice Training conference in Kigali, Rwanda, 5-7 October 2022. Software: Please submit your poster as a Power Point (PPTX) file. You may prepare your poster using PowerPoint or another software and then convert it to a PDF after it’s finished. Dimensions: The dimensions of your file should be approximately 38cm wide by 22 cm high. To set the dimensions in PowerPoint, go to the “Design” tab, select “slide size,” and choose custom slide size. Select “wide screen” and then type in the dimensions. Note that the example is in inches, but you will likely have metric on your computer. If you are unsure about the dimensions, then you may use the poster presentation template as a starting point. Organization & Content: Your poster should include the following elements: – Title – Authors, Affiliations – Background – Objectives – Methods – Results – Conclusions – Acknowledgements where applicable – Include funding if you received any for your research – Include those who helped but did not qualify for authorship – Optional but not recommended: References Tips: • Use at least 20 point font for headings • Use at least 15 point font for body text • Only include photos of people if you have written consent from them to use their photo in your poster • Explain every table and figure shown on your poster • Tables are not recommended for posters- if possible, create a figure instead • Use light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background to ensure the text is readable • Make sure there is enough white space around the edges of poster and each section so information doesn’t look “crammed” • Logos are optional but be mindful that a logo should be used with care. If you the logo of an organization, check if there are specifications for use (often on the organization’s website). All presenters of e-poster are eligible to receive first, second, or third place awards for outstanding research. – Please refer to the PREPPS tips on powerpoint presentation here. – For poster template have a look here, for “Red landscape poster” here, and for “Morrison Minimal Poster example” here. – Please send your final e-poster presentation to: [email protected]

Pre-Conference Sign-up

– If you want to sign in for the Pre-Conference Coaching, please check here

– To Sign-up for Pre-conference training sessions use the following link:

– To Sign-up for PREPSS Coaching use the following link

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