CIRHT Education Tools for Student
Education Competencies for Students
Graduates who are fully competent providers and communicators of comprehensive contraception and abortion care.
Competencies: Contraception
Student understands available permanent methods of contraception (e.g. bi tubal ligation, no-scalpel vasectomy), the associated medical eligibility criteria, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately perform these procedures.
Student understands implant methods of contraception, the associated medical eligibility criteria, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately perform implant insertion and removal.
Student is aware of emergency contraception methods and understands the eligibility criteria for provision of the medication.
Student is aware of intrauterine devices (IUD) methods of contraception, the associated medical eligibility criteria, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately perform IUD insertion and removal.
Student is aware of short-acting contraception methods, such as oral contraceptive pills and injectables, understands the medical eligibility criteria for provision of these methods.
Student is aware of other available contraception methods, such as condoms and natural methods, and understands the medical eligibility criteria for provision of these methods.
Student is aware of postpartum FP (PPFP) methods, understands the medical eligibility criteria, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately insert postpartum IUD (PPIUD).
Student understands the methods and approaches to FP counseling, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately counsel a patient on FP methods.
Competencies: Comprehensive Abortion Care
Student is aware of post-abortion care (PAC) methods, understands how to identify cases requiring PAC. Student is also aware of medical eligibility criteria for various aspects of PAC.
Student is aware of medical abortion (MA) methods, and understands the medical eligibility criteria for provision of these methods.
Student is aware of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) method, understands medical eligibility criteria, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately perform the procedure.
Student is aware of dilation & evacuation (D&E) method, understands medical eligibility criteria, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately perform the procedure.
Student is aware of Postabortion FP (PAFP) methods, and understands medical eligibility criteria for various forms of contraception.
Student understands the methods and approaches to CAC counseling, and has demonstrated the ability to adequately counsel a patient on CAC methods.
Education for Students Collection
For Contraception General Resources
Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use (Reference Material) link
Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use (Reference Material) Link
US Medical Eligibility Criteria (US MEC) for Contraceptive Use (Reference Material) Link
Contraception and Chronic Disease (Workshop and Training Material) Link
Competency 2
Contraceptive Implant Procedures: Implanon® (Online Course Module – Bekele, Delayeh; Omollo, Kathleen, 2013) Zip
Implants (Online Course Module – Misgan, Eyaya, 2017) Video , PPT
Implants (Online Course Module – Bagambe, Patrick, 2018) Video , PPT
Localization and Removal of Deeply Placed Contraceptive Implants (Presentation) Video
Competency 4
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) – Part 1 (Online Course Module – Gebremedhin, Lia Tadesse, 2017) Video , PPT
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) – Part 2 (Online Course Module – Gebremedhin, Lia Tadesse, 2017) Video , PPT
Copper IUCD Insertion and Removal (Online Course Module – Nwankwo, Helen, 2018) Video , PPT
IUCD Timing, Insertion and Removal, Adverse Effects and Management (Online Course Module – Nwankwo, Helen, 2018) Video , PPT
Competency 8
Quality Family Planning Counselling (Workshop and Training Material – Eshetu, Munir Kassa, 2017) Video , PPT
Patient-Centered Family Planning Counseling (Workshop and Training Material – Kahn, Chavi, 2018) PPT
Introduction to Family Planning (Online Course Module – Rulisa, Stephen, 2018) Video , PPT
Counseling for Family Planning (Online Course Module – Musengimana, Denyse, 2018) Video , PPT
Family Planning Counseling (Presentation – Obermeyer, Meghan; Eshetu, Munir Kassa, 2018) PPT
Family Planning Counseling (Presentation – Hailemeskel, Azeb Tamrat, 2018) PPT
Patient Centered-Care (Presentation – Obermeyer, Meghan; Eshetu, Munir Kassa, 2018) PPT
Counseling for Family A Counseling Practicum Curriculum to Teach and Assess ACGME Core Competencies (Workshop and Training Material) Link
The Family Planning Patient Experience: Skills to Improve Every Visit (Workshop and Training Material) Link
Competency 13
Clinical Policy Guidelines for Abortion Care (Reference Material) PPT