June 2018 News Review
For full email click here Debates over Sex Education and Abortion Rights Education is the first step in providing women and girls (and men and boys) with adequate tools to manage reproductive choice. Debate...
For full email click here Debates over Sex Education and Abortion Rights Education is the first step in providing women and girls (and men and boys) with adequate tools to manage reproductive choice. Debate...
Online newsletter version available at: https://conta.cc/2Kt9OyD Anniversaries Good and Bad May marked the 50th anniversary of the declaration at the 1968 International Conference on Human Rights that “Family planning is a human right!”. Amid calls...
SRHR Crossroads Sexual health and reproductive rights are at a crossroad, according to an editorial in The Lancet, which summarizes that, “there is perhaps no area of health where politics and ideological beliefs meet...
Midwives in Toronto, global RH HR needs “Maternal mortality is the highest health inequity in the world, and midwives are the best-skilled birth attendants who can save the lives of mothers and children...