Center for International Reproductive Health Training Blog

Structured integration of family planning curriculum: Comparative assessment of knowledge and skills among new medical graduates in Ethiopia

Berhanu G Gebremeskel, Alula M. Teklu, Lia T Gebremedhin, Solomon W Beza, Tegbar Yigzaw, Munir K Eshetu, Mengistu H Damtew, Yolanda R. Smith DOI:  Objective To assess if structured integration of a comprehensive family planning (FP)...

March 2018 Monthly News Review

March 2018 Monthly News Review

Education and Male Involvement in Family Planning The first step towards effective family planning is comprehensive sex education so that girls and boys, women and men, are able to make informed decisions. A family...

Proportion and Associated Factors of Maternal Near Miss among Admitted Mothers at Felege Hiwot Specialized Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar Ethiopia

CIRHT partner: Proportion and Associated Factors of Maternal Near Miss among Admitted Mothers at Felege Hiwot Specialized Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar Ethiopia Authors: S. Fenta, A. Nigussie; Bahir Dar University, Midwifery, Bahir Dar/ET Background:...

Permanent contraception: Neglected family planning option in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

CIRHT partner: Permanent contraception: Neglected family planning option in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Authors:  Asires1, Y. G. Tadesse2; 1Addis Ababa University, obstetrics and gynecology, Addis Ababa, AA/ET, 2CIRHT, Ethiopia , Addis Ababa/ET Background: Family planning services have been...

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