News Review – 28 April 2017
The top research story of the week is a new Lancet study that concludes a $1 drug that has been around a long time – the blood-clotting aid tranexamic acid (TXA) – could save...
The top research story of the week is a new Lancet study that concludes a $1 drug that has been around a long time – the blood-clotting aid tranexamic acid (TXA) – could save...
A special supplement to Population and Development Review looks at Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa. Several articles of note around the fundamental issue of population growth, with the general conclusion that “in the short...
Please have a look at the CIRHT-St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College Case Study, a good read about the essential work that CIRHT partners have begun. Trump’s anti-abortion surge continues, this week allowing individual...
This week saw more proof, if it were needed, that promoting access to family planning and contraception can have dramatic results. A report in the UK showed that teen pregnancy had halved in the...
Amid troubling news about defunding domestic and international Family Planning programs, a few beams of light showed through. The US administration proposed a budget and backed a health care plan that would slash support...
Promoting contraception, family planning and reproductive health is not only good health policy; it is also a solid financial investment, a point emphasized around the world to mark International Women’s Day. One study by...
The “She Decides” conference and its success in raising €181 million to counter the Trump Gag Rule dominated the week’s news. In addition to previous announcements, Canada stepped up with a $20 million pledge....
The week began with news of the death of the woman referred to as “Jane Roe” in the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion rights case. Her transformation from a staunch abortion-rights advocate...
General UK to host summit seeking extra funds for family planning, The Guardian, 16 Feb 2017 Q&A: A systems view saves more lives, says new Pathfinder CEO Lois Quam, Devex, 16 Feb 2017 Global...
General This App Says It’s As Good As The Pill At Preventing Pregnancy, But Experts Want More Evidence, BuzzFeed, 9 Feb 2017 ‘There will be more deaths’: NGOs on Trump’s anti-abortion rule, The Guardian, 9...