Access For Quality Reproductive Health Care

The Center for International Reproductive Health at the University of Michigan (CIRHT) in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and the Addis Ababa Health Bureau held a sanitation workshop for health centers and private hospitals providing access to the reproductive health needs of women. FMOH has collaborated with CIRHT in expanding “Michu” Family Planning Clinics, which provide women with compassionate, respectful, quality reproductive health care in 11 university hospitals across Ethiopia. The workshop, heald in early February 2018, aimed to spread the word about the Michu clinics and their services. It also indicated how the different health care providers facilities could work together to improve the quality of care for the women and girls who have reproductive health needs. The participants discussed on how to link the health services. For example, some health centers provide family planning service, but do not include permanent methods, while Michu clinics can give the full range of family planning services for women and men. The second service area identified for collaboration was second trimester safe abortion. Through an expanded collaboration between facilities, more women can have access to more services across Addis Ababa, and eventually across the entire country.