Determinants of Abortion among Youth Seeking RH Care in Selected Health Facilities, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Determinants of Abortion among Youth Seeking RH Care in Selected Health Facilities, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bisrat Fantaye Denberu, Dr. Fessehaye Alemseged, Dr. Mengistu Hailemriam, Dr Hailemariam Segne A. Hailemeskel2;
1University of Michigan, Ob/Gyn, CIRHT, Ann Arbor/US, 2St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa/ET, 3University of Michigan, Ob/Gyn- CIRHT, Ann Arbor/US, 4CIRHT-Ethiopia, Addis Ababa/ET, 5Jhpiego-Ethiopia, Strengthening HRH Project , Addis Ababa/ET, 6University of Michigan, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ann Arbor, MICHIGAN/US
The data in Ethiopia showed that 42% of pregnancies were unintended and the annual abortion rate was 23 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years in 2008. Unintended pregnancy and births have grave consequences to the mother and family and are global social and health burdens. In Ethiopia, hundreds die in health facilities each year from abortion-related complications, but many more suffer from injuries or illness related to unsafe procedures. Cognizant of these facts and with the intent to reduce maternal death due to unsafe abortion, the Ethiopian government had revised the abortion law in 2005. However, adolescents and youths are at the fore front of the maternal mortality and morbidity due to unintended pregnancy in Ethiopia
Descriptive unmatched case-control study was conducted in selected health facilities in Addis Ababa. Cases were women of age 15-24 seeking an induced abortion service and controls were women of age 15-24 that seek ANC service in the clinics. A total of 330 women (110 cases and 220 controls) were studied. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were conducted to determine association using SPSS V 20 after entering data using Epi Info Version 7.1.
The mean age of study participants was 22.45+ 1.77 and the mean age for sexual debut was 18.74. This study showed that married young women are at lower risk of seeking abortion service than single young women (never married, divorced, widowed) AOR 0.04 (95%CI 0.015-0.13) P <0.001. Use of at least one method of modern contraceptive is also found to be protective factor for young women from having an induced abortion. Young women not using any method have four times higher odds of seeking induced abortion than those using at least one method (AOR 4.3 CI 1.05-17.7 p=0.043). Unintended pregnancy is a determinant that predisposes young women for seeking an abortion service(AOR 33.1 CI 12.5-87.5) p<0.001).Young single women who are not using at least one method of contraceptives and those young women exposed to unwanted pregnancy are highly likely to resort to abortion regardless of their faith, belief and attitude towards abortion.
When young, single women who are facing the burden of unintended pregnancy, they are highly likely to resort to induced abortion regardless of their faith, belief and attitude towards abortion. Sexual and Reproductive Health must be a vital component in the school system curriculum; that could help improve the cultural barriers in discussing reproductive health and abortion topics at family level.
Source of funding (if none, enter “None”)
Supported by an anonymous donor through CIRHT at U-M.
Key Words: Research, Women’s Health/Empowerment, Education