Fozia Jemal, Family Planning nurse at Black Lion Hospital’s Michu clinic, Addis Ababa University

We do all sorts of things to make it easy for women seeking family planning services. We are next to the maternal health clinic and share a waiting room, so to make it easier for the girls and women seeking family planning, we give them appointment cards so they can come right in. Once they are here, we have a separate area for them so they can have their privacy. We want them to feel comfortable and confident so they can make the right decisions for themselves. For their health. The word is getting out so we are seeing more clients than we used to. We also reach out to the women in the waiting area for the maternal health clinic. We can take advantage of that captive audience to give them information. We give lectures every day on antenatal care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and also on family planning and especially postpartum family planning, so they know about it before they have their babies. The facilities have really improved. Now my hope is that we have more girls and women coming here to use them.
I would like to say thank you for your reccognition becuase it encourage me to do the best to the society.