December 2019 News Review
Botswana Teenage Pregnancy Dismays Thankane, Daily News, 5 Dec 2019 Burkina Faso Inquiétudes d’une déplacée interne « Si je tombe enceinte dans ces conditions… », Sidwaya, 26 Dec 2019 Santé sexuelle et reproductive –...
Botswana Teenage Pregnancy Dismays Thankane, Daily News, 5 Dec 2019 Burkina Faso Inquiétudes d’une déplacée interne « Si je tombe enceinte dans ces conditions… », Sidwaya, 26 Dec 2019 Santé sexuelle et reproductive –...
Botswana Condom Distribution in Schools Topical Issue, Daily News, 13 Oct 2019 Tshireletso Calls for Safe Abortion, Daily News, 13 Oct 2019 Burkina Faso Droits en santé sexuelle et reproductive – La société civile...
Angola UNAIDS Director Demands Sexual Education for Youth, ANGOP, 25 Sep 2019 Botswana Ooops! That should be another name for Botswana, Sunday Standard, 2 Sep 2019 Burkina Faso Abandons de bébés à Ouagadougou –...
For full graphic version click here ECHO Study “After years of preparation, the results of the rigorous ECHO study were released on June 13, sharing a mix of good and sobering news. On the...
For full graphic newsletter version, click here. Addis Ababa Conference Highlights Our thanks to all who attended, and followed on social media, the April conference in Addis Ababa, “Family Planning and Comprehensive Abortion Care:...
(For online email version, click here) The US midterm elections saw a “Blue Wave” of Democrats taking over the US House of Representatives and many state legislatures and governorships. How that will affect reproductive...
(For online email version, click here) Forward: In Benin, communities are working together to “tackle abortion stigma” and engage civil society in a broad discussion about family planning. The government in DRC, where complications...
A Month of Days September saw international days devoted to Contraception and to Safe Abortion. In many African countries, debate continued on all sides of the issues – from legal battles to healthcare initiatives...
African debates As in debates in Ireland, Poland and the US among other countries, the tension between reform and tradition over increased access to sex education, contraception choice and safe abortion was evident across...
Worlds apart: Reproductive health and rights in an age of inequality The comprehensive UNFPA State of World Population 2017 report has detailed information about how gender inequality, and specifically denial of reproductive rights, “threatens social...