CIRHT in Ethiopia Annual Review Meeting

CIRHT has supporting medical education in Ethiopia for more than two years, working in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health and 10 partner universities. The support has come in the form of developing faculty skills and leadership, integrated training for improved care, and research to improve evidence based practice. To mark the success of the Ethiopian year 2009 (2016/2017), on September 4 and 5, 2017, the CIRHT Annual Review meeting was held in Bishoftu, with the participation of all CIRHT staff, representatives of the 10 partner university Ob-Gyn and Midwifery department heads, and FMOH representative Dr. Ephreim Tekle, director of the Maternal and Child Health Directorate. The meeting was opened by Dr. Mengistu Hailemariam, CIRHT in Ethiopia’s Program Director, with a speech saluting the active involvement of all partners in the achievements of 2009. The meeting enabled partners to share their views in observed gaps and future collaboration ideas for successful implementation of the support.
The meeting included reports on Medical Education, Midwifery Education, Service, Research, Logistics, Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation, IT, Commodity and Supply and Finance and HR activities. The reports indicated major achievements:
- the availability and functionality of skill labs at almost all facilities
- the launch of the revised national medical curriculum
- the commencement of a peer-assisted learning project
- the introduction of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
- standardization of the family planning and comprehensive abortion care syllabus for medical and midwifery students
- distribution of reference materials
- mapping affiliation sites
- IEC material development
- establishment of seven Michu clinics
- quality improvement of family planning and comprehensive abortion care services through capacity-building activities focused on value clarification and skill development
- research being conducted by Ob-Gyn faculty of partner universities and initiated for midwifery faculty.
CIRHT staff incorporated partner comments and feedback into the ambitious work plan for the next year, seeking to fill gaps, support and monitor existing ongoing academic, service and research activities, finalize simulation lab and Michu clinic construction, create a sustainable QI system, and support a family planning commodity supply chain system with FMOH.