Access to Contraception Guaranteeing accessing Contraceptive Commodities – condoms, implants, IUDs, or pills – is a complicated task with many variables. Funding, administrative approvals, supply chain management, provider and end-user training and counselling, communication...
The work of the Center for International Reproductive Health Training at the University of Michigan (UM-CIRHT) and its partners in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, were highlighted during a recent visit by university Provost Martin Philbert...
For full email version click here World Population Day Generates dialogue about Family Planning as a Human Right The theme of this year’s World Population Day was “Family Planning is a Human Right”, which “means...
Elfalet Fekadu, Getachew Yigzaw, Kassahun Alemu Gelaye, Tadesse Awoke Ayele, Tameru Minwuye, Tinsae Geneta and Destaw Fetene Teshome BMC Women’s Health 2018 18:138 Background Domestic violence during pregnancy with its many negative fetal and maternal outcomes is a common public health problem all over the world. Nonetheless, the problem is not well...
For full email click here Debates over Sex Education and Abortion Rights Education is the first step in providing women and girls (and men and boys) with adequate tools to manage reproductive choice. Debate...
Online newsletter version available at: Anniversaries Good and Bad May marked the 50th anniversary of the declaration at the 1968 International Conference on Human Rights that “Family planning is a human right!”. Amid calls...
In one room, a line of young women — accompanied by men and in some cases their mothers — await vaccinations for their newborns. In two more down the peach stucco terrace midwives provide...
SPHMMC OB-Gyn department conducts Quality Improvement workshop – (Courtesy of SPHMMC) Quality Improvement (QI) is one of the major components in the St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical Center OB-Gyn department, to ensure that systematic and...
Million Teshome, Zenebe Wolde, Abel Gedefaw, Mequanent Tariku and Anteneh Asefa BMC Medical Ethics 2018 19:38 Background Surgical Informed Consent (SIC) has long been recognized as an important component of modern medicine. The ultimate goals of SIC are to improve clients’ understanding of the...
See full newsletter on the web: Momentum and Roadblocks in Family Planning Access Achieving access to Family Planning, Contraception and Safe Abortion services requires work on all levels – academic, governmental, local, social; in...